About Us

Our Mission is creating entertainment opportunities to educate, inform, and inspire our community.

Our Concerts are FREE to the public. Concerts are held at Metcalfe Park in Downtown Kingman, located on the corner of Beale Street and Grandview Avenue. Come to the Park and bring your blankets, lawn chairs, picnic lunches, coolers; take a seat that is reserved just for you, and sit back to enjoy some of the best music that Kingman has to offer “that your money just cannot buy!” See you there, and bring a friend. . . .

“Our Time, Our History” Programs are held in various locations. Sounds of Kingman, and Arizona Humanities cooperate to bring you expert and entertaining glimpses into the history of Arizona and Mohave County. They are also FREE, and worth your time to come and enjoy.

During most years, we strive to bring you an “Extra Special” event—whether it is a special concert, a military band, a “Living History” presentation such as Wyatt Earp, or something else. These get special publicity and usually involve a third venue. True to our philosophy, they are also FREE.

Our meetings are open to the public. We meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. at Calicos in Downtown Kingman. 418 W Beale St, Kingman, AZ 86401. Held in the banquet room in the front.

Robin Gordan


Robin is our team leader. She arranges and runs the meetings, supervises the activities, and keeps us all on track. She’s full of innovative suggestions and solutions, and she inspires us to greater efforts. She always pulls her share of the load.

  • Born & raised in California.
  • Has lived in Kingman since 1978.
  • Worked for Citizens Utilities Telephone, now Frontier Communications, for many years.
  • Raised her children, Shane and Krystal, in Kingman.
  • She has three grandchildren: Kinsley, Dereck, and Charlotte.
  • Now operates, with her husband, Transerv Transportation.
  • Active community member for many years, volunteering on many public and cultural committees.
  • Served a four-year term on the Kingman City Council.

For Robin, Kingman is home. She feels the arts are important. Founding member of Sounds of Kingman.

Jan Cox


Jan prepares the meeting agendas and records minutes for all the meetings. She’s also responsible for distribution of minutes and agendas. In addition, she preserves these records for the group.

  • Moved to Kingman in 1960 and attended all of her high school years here.
  • With husband Dave, she raised her two children in Kingman.
  • Enjoys sewing, crafts, and playing cards, as well as traveling and camping.
  • Employed at Mohave Community College and is now retired.

“I joined Sounds of Kingman because I think it is an important facet of our community.  We need to keep the arts in our lives.”

Cheryl Salfrank

Treasurer & Raffle Coordinator

Cheryl, as Project Manager, has a couple of major responsibilities for Sounds of Kingman. She so ably shepherded her first project, the Stage at Metcalfe Park, from planning through construction to completion. Take a bow, Cheryl! Now, she turns her formidable skills to working on fundraising for us. She calls herself “The Raffle Queen” but she stands ready to manage other projects as they come along.

  • Born in San Diego, CA.
  • Moved to Kingman for the sunshine and small-town atmosphere from Norco CA in 2006.
  • Retired Construction Project Manager for K. Hovnanian Homes.
  • Now Cheryl is well known as “The Bench Wench.” Check her out on Facebook!
  • Feels music is good for the soul.

Rosanne Rosenberg

Entertainment Coordinator

Rosanne is the person on our committee who finds, auditions, and prioritizes the Concerts in the Park performers. This position requires a great deal of hard work and networking with the local musical community. She’s always keeping her ears open for the next great Kingman Sound so we can share it with you.

  • Born in Greenwich Village NY and was exposed early to a high level of artistic and creative stimulation.
  • Lived for a time on the Jersey Shore.
  • Arizona’s warm weather brought her and her family to Kingman in 1993.
  • Long-time member of Artists & Craftsmen Guild.
  • Founding member of Sounds of Kingman, which is second on her priority list after her three grandchildren.

Mary Yuse-Miller

E-Mail List Manager & Historian

Mary took on the important task of maintaining and activating our email chain that is used to notify community members of the upcoming events for both Sounds of Kingman and other community groups.

  • Grew up in Spokane and moved to the Salem, OR area to work as a dietitian.
  • Came to Kingman with her husband, Keith, in 2015. They are both cat and boating fans.

Leads the music at her church with her flute.

Susan Phillips

Entertainment Assistant & Sponsorship Assistant

Susan is originally from Oregon retiring with her Husband in 2020 to the area.

She loves Educational Presentations and Concerts in the Park so she was excited to find us in her new community.

She is excited to volunteer for the Group and keep the tradition going in Kingman.